Got a big project that needs that good old vintage feel? Or maybe you simply want to induce a similar feeling for a client? Here are the top 25 whiskey-inspired fonts to lend the perfect nostalgic vibe to your works in minutes. Big and bold fonts, on the other hand, can provide a strong and defiant vibe. For instance, cursive fonts often make designs appear elegant and stylish. Typography, when used skillfully, can stir up happiness, curiosity, and nostalgia. Their posters and other marketing materials just wouldn’t be the same without that font. Think about the movies that you know and love, for example. That’s why considering which typefaces to use for specific projects is of utmost importance.

I would also like to thank the help of the guys over at forums who pointed me in the right direction now and then when I got stuck.The right typography can evoke certain emotions. You don't have to spend a lot of money your self to make it, the ingredients and the process does not cost a lot if you have the equipment already, but I had to do a few runs and I spent a fair bit extra to put it in nice bottles and present it well which can be great for gifts. This instructable is the result of a few months of research, over 2 months of experimenting, a botched attempt or 2 and a fair sum of money just to get it right. well except the video on charcoal which went weird at the beginning because of youtubes codecs for some reason. Just a bit of a heads up because I wanted to document this so well I have taken tons of pictures, so there is a lot of images but I am hoping that wont be a bad thing as they are all good quality.

Thanks to that information I have gathered I have come up with a way to produce this my self at home as close to how they make it as is practically possible for my self.

There is a lot of information from peoples how to recipes for bourbon or Tennessee Whiskey but I wanted JD so I spent over a month most of my evenings looking in to how to make it and trying to find as much information about JD's actual method and I found various articles and video snippets with fragments of information from people who work at the JD Distillery. The point is I was looking for a project to keep me busy and even though I don't drink JD my self I thought I would have a stab at making it my self just for the challenge. I wanted to make Tennessee Whiskey and Kentucky Bourbon is not much different its just a slightly different recipe and you miss out one of the steps that you would use when making the Tennessee Whiskey.Ī lot of my friends drink Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey and I already have built a still, the instructable is here for how I built it, you will need one like this which is a Pot Still.